
What in the world is Venom Concoctions?

Alright, Venom Concoctions (VenCon) is my site obviously =u= but seriously, its a site where I provide stuffs regarding Programming and Digital Arts.

By stuff I mean Tutorials, Random Info, Quick Guides, Apps, Source codes and stuff for Programming. For arts I provide quick tutorials and stuff as well.

Who's behind VenCon?

It's a goat =u= ofc a human jeez. Kidding aside, I am maintaining this site. I'm known on the name After Shower. I do not have a degree on either Programming nor Arts, I'm just the same as the self taught ones over the internet, whats more, I also am but a newbie like most people. Though unlike most people, I want to share what I learned, and as well as learn from you people ^u^

What can I do on this site?
Okay, have you been reading? First is to gather stuff like tutorials and codes, but secondly, you can Buy Concoctions. what are concoctions? They are other name for my Services. now don't be intimidated, most of my concoctions are free ^u^ I live primarily from donations, but please... don't abuse me... I'm only human like everybody else.

Concoctions (Service)
As I have said, most of my concoctions are FREE, paying is optional which you can do by donating to my humble site ^u^ please do... I need it. Begging aside, most of my concoctions are not mainstream nor large scaled, they are what people call aid or help. You can see details about my concoctions on the Concoctions/Shop page.

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