Debut to Blogging

Venom Concoctions

Hello everyone reading this post! ^u^ If you are i'm impressed tbh, because this is my very first blog post for Venom Concoctions. I have yet to put "About me" and what this site is all about, but yes it wont be something stupid... or so i hope =u=;;

I also made this post for testing purposes. You know, to see how a post would look like, how things would turn out, fonts, stuff stuff. ^^ so nevermind the things that is beneath this post.

Italics  || Bolds || Underlines || StrikeThroughs ||

Sample PNG:

This image is the logo of Venom Concoctions.
I will be using this on my projects ^u^

Sample JPG:

And yeah i already said what this is.
I don't have to repeat it yeah? =u=

This is a link sample, if clicked it shows the two image above.

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